Nicholas Kopp

Writer’s Statement 

Working with Maximiliano to tell his story made me appreciate the passion that he and his community have for Reading. The city is a landmark of Pennsylvania’s history, and our collaboration with Star City Boxing made it plain that there are many others who recognize its significance. Over the course of shaping and presenting this story, I was continually amazed by the dedication and perseverance that the gym’s people bring to their second home. It was a pleasure to be involved in the creation of Max's story, and I sincerely hope that his positivity and hard work are clearly seen in it.  


I am a Spring 2022 graduate from Penn State Berks with a BA in Writing & Digital Media. In my time as a student, I had the opportunity to engage in various community-based projects. My work as an intern at Hopewell Furnace National Historic Site challenged me to provide updated historical information about the site’s African American legacy through social media. Additionally, my experience working as a writing tutor allowed me to grasp the importance of collaboration with people of all backgrounds. I hope to apply the knowledge that these and other roles have taught me to share meaningful and inclusive content through multimedia as a social media manager. 

Elijah Schade

Writer’s Statement 

I’ve come to enjoy the process of telling Alex and Monica’s stories and soaking in all that there is to learn about them. Learning about their dedication to Star City Boxing and the other commitments in their lives was an inspiring story that brings the people of Reading to life. By providing help that underserved parts of Reading need, Alex and Monica have been instrumental in changing the lives of others, and I cannot help but feel motivated by their work. It was a great honor to help write their stories, and I hope that all of you enjoy it as much as I did. 


I am a Spring 2022 graduate of Penn State’s Writing and Digital Media program. My interest in writing is eclectic, and among the various subjects I write about, I’ve worked on community-based projects with Dr. Grobman and others, such as the Hopewell Furnace Critical Imagination Project and our forthcoming article for College English, “Anti-racist Commemorative Intervention at the Hopewell Furnace National Historic Site.” I hope that I can use these experiences to inform my creative writing and weave real human elements into fictional stories. My experience with Star City Boxing is one among many that will forever change my perception and allow me to approach audiences with kindness and sincerity.