Troi Howell

Writer’s Statement 

As an out-of-state student, I’d heard about Reading’s reputation without ever stepping foot into the city. The stereotypes about the area and the people who lived there painted it in an overwhelmingly negative light. The Star City Boxing project was my first real introduction to the city of Reading and its inhabitants, and I’m so grateful to have had the opportunity to see these falsehoods dispelled firsthand. Through Star City, I was able to see a small-scale example of the large-scale sense of community that rings true throughout many areas of Reading. For me, taking part in this project illuminated the importance of community-based storytelling and the damage that a dominant narrative can do. I hope that these stories uplift and empower other Reading inhabitants, and that this project serves as a reminder that their stories matter and deserve to be heard. 


I am a second year English Major at PSU. Throughout my time at Penn State, I’ve participated in many social justice-centered projects, including Dr. Grobman’s Hopewell Furnace Project, and undergraduate research about educational disparities in high schools. I feel a deep connection to each story that I’ve had the privilege of telling, and the Star City Boxing project is no exception. Talking to Steven Torres was a pleasure, and I’m honored to have been tasked with telling his story. This project has not only given me the opportunity to write, but to write something that is impactful and meaningful to a community. I feel so lucky to have had this experience and feel as though it has provided me with irreplaceable experience-based knowledge that I will carry with me.

Ja’nique Jules

Writer's Statement 

Community-engaged research has been something that I have enjoyed doing throughout my time in this class. When I heard that I would be doing community-based storytelling in Reading, I was excited to have the opportunity, as I feel the city is often misunderstood. Having the chance to learn more about Star City Boxing and hear its impact on the community is an experience that I have taken very seriously and am so grateful to have. Through interviewing gym members and editing and revising the stories, I have been nothing short of amazed at this boxing gym's work for the City of Reading. I hope that the stories I have worked on and seen firsthand are passed down through generations. 


I am a Spring 2022 graduate, a Writing and Digital Media and Political Science dual major, along with a Spanish minor and Social Justice Certificate at Penn State Berks. I have had the opportunity to grow my writing and analytical skills through projects such as these. I have a great passion for politics and social justice and am excited to embark on my future career in these fields. This project allowed me to combine all of my majors and passions to bring something fundamental and fulfilling to the community.